
Celebrating te 100th year of Turkish Republic

What we did:

The significance of Republic Day on October 29, 2023, was marked by the delivery of Pegasus's 100th aircraft, aligning with the centennial celebrations of the Republic. Thus, Pegasus decided to commemorate the Republic's 100th year through the delivery of its 100th aircraft.

Launch Campaign

To celebrate the centennial, Pegasus named its 100th aircraft 'Cumhuriyet', a Turkish word that translates to 'Republic', adorned with the silhouette and signature of Ataturk. The aircraft, completed with secrecy in Hamburg Airbus, made a grand entrance into Türkiye after a carefully orchestrated film release. The campaign, unveiled in September, utilized various channels, including a television film, traditional and digital outdoor applications in different cities, radio spots, and digital campaigns. Under the overarching theme of "Every step to the future," the campaign highlighted gender equality for women, the liberation through flying, and the announcement of Pegasus having one of Europe's youngest aircraft fleets. The inaugural civilian flight of the Republic aircraft took place on October 2, Monday, with a special event reflecting the values of the Republic and Pegasus's vision.


Our still and 3D outdoor has been published all around Turkey to celebrate the Centennial


We have created an IG Filter so everyone who wants to celebrate the 100th year of the republic Show their appreciation

Memoriblia Tickets
İt was not possible for everyone to be on this momentus flight, so we have created virtual tickets for people to keep as a memoriblia

First Flight

To further elaborate our campaign and the first flight of the 100th aircraft, we have created a special Project. The inagural flight has written 100 over the skies of Ankara through Flightrada to commemorate the event

Social Content
We have supported to campaign and amplified the reach through our top notch social contents


Every Honda vehicle is designed to unlock a world of driving excitement. Sharpcake partnered with Honda to create this excitement through all user journeys.


Love to work with iconic brands. We are responsible for strategy, creative and execution around creative campaigns, social media, performance marketing and loyalty.